The Youngest Musicians - 4 years old

Inside Pages
M. Teresa Malagarriga Rovira
Mariona Martínez Barbeta
Music Schools and Conservatoires Early Musical Sensitivity
Sensibilització musical Nr. 1
This book forms part of a series of didactic materials which are structured according to four volumes. Each volume consists of a book for the student and one for the teacher, along with a CD that contains the musical selections and danses that are used in the books. In this collection we offer a program of music education for children between 4 and 7 years old, which is designed to be used within the curriculum of elementary music schools and classes.This contents of this collection is the result of a collaborative program initiated in 1999 between the Victòria dels Angels Music School in Sant Cugat del Vallès, and the department of pedagogy at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona.
This method is divided into didactic units which are then organized by classes. In each of the classes we specify what the objectives are for the class, the pieces upon which we will work these objectives, as well as the musical elements that are used in realizing the activity, and the materials that are needed.
Each student has a book entirely in color, the contents of which give support to some of the activities, as well as facilitating individual work, and stimulating conversation and absorption of the concepts.The educational concepts are made clear to the young students through the scores of the songs which are specifically worked upon, fragments of the listening selections, and representations of related elements to the musical selection, along with stimulating drawings. This material is completed with the incorporation of the 'creation' scores, which are in the Teacher's Manual.
Technical Specifications
29,7 x 21 cm, horizontal
Seperate pages perforated with holes to put in book-binder
Number of Pages
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals
Also collaborating:
Catalina Somolinos