- Grivé, Josep
- Guallar Caballé, Josep
- Guanyabens, Nicolau (1826 - 1889)
- Guasch, Joan M. (1878 - )
- Guerau de Liost
- Guilera, Maria
- Guinjoan, Joan
- Guinovart, Albert
- Guinovart i Rubiella, Carles
- Guiset, Frederic
- Guitó, Xavier
- Guix, Josep M.
- Gustems, Josep
- Gutiérrez, Joan Josep
- Gutiérrez Martínez, Sergi (1966 - )
- Gutwerger, A.
- Guzman Antich, Josep Lluís (1954 - 2017)
You can locate a composer or authorby the first letter of the last name. On each person's page you will find a list of the works published, a CV and often a photograph.
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