- Bacchus, Peter John (1954 - )
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Badal, Josep Lluís
- Balcells Comas, Pere-Albert (1957 - )
- Baldelló Benosa, Francesc (1887 - 1977)
- Ballús Casóliva, Glòria
- Balsera Gómez, Francisco J.
- Barbal, Margarida
- Barceló Ginard, Bartomeu J.
- Barnes, Richard Bryan
- Bartók, Béla (1881 - 1945)
- Batista, Josep M.
- Batista, Violeta
- Batlle Mestre, Mn. Antoni (1888 - 1955)
- Baucells Colom, Josep
- Bauer, F.
- Bayer, Xavier
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770 - 1827)
- Beltran, Lluïsa
- Benito, Joan
- Benito, Miquel
- Berengena, Alfred
- Bergesse, H.
- Bertomeu Tremol, Xavier
- Bertran, Coloma
- Bertran Ventejo, Moisès (1967 - )
You can locate a composer or authorby the first letter of the last name. On each person's page you will find a list of the works published, a CV and often a photograph.
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