Stringed Instruments: Violins
22.00 € VAT included
Tres motets per a contralt
Author: Collection:25.00 € VAT included
Quatre motets per a tenor o tiple amb dos violins i BC
Author: Collection:20.00 € VAT included
15. Comença la tardor
Format:Publication with downloadable files
Author: Collection:Songs by Narcís Bonet Nr. 15
24.00 € VAT included
8. Quatre cançons de bressol catalanes (per a veu i conjunt instrumental)
Format:Publication with downloadable files
Author: Collection:Songs by Narcís Bonet Nr. 8
26.00 € VAT included
Il pianto della Madonna, per a mezzo, cor de veus blanques i orquestra de corda
Format:Rental Materials
Author: Collection:Orchestra Materials Nr. 56
Concertino Notturno, per a saxòfon i petita orquestra
Format:Rental Materials
Author: Collection:Orchestra Materials Nr. 55