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Scores and music books: quality, creativity and service always accessible for you.



GET A MEMBER of our web site and provide your pupils with discounts!
- 5% on all your purchases
- Additional 5% on your pupils’ purchases
- Free newsletter on novelties, events and general offers
- Materialization of your discounts with your next purchase
- Getting a member is for free
RECOMMEND MUSIC to your students and get more discounts
To recommend any of our catalogue’s publications in any format, you must register on our web site and create a code for the product/s you want to recommend to your students and friends. Once you have created a code, you will have to send it to your students and friends. You may create up to 10 codes simultaneously. Codes will expire after three months.
CREATE MEMBER CODES and send them to your members by e-mail
You must follow the following steps:
1) Register as a teacher
2) Go to user area and create codes as follows:
  • a) Choose a publication out of the box
  • b) Click „Create code“
  • c) Copy the code and send it to your members (pupils, performers, musicians, friends etc.) by e-mail.
  • d) You may send the same code to as many members as you want, without any limitation.
  • e) You may create up to 10 codes simultaneously.
  • f) Codes will expire after three months. You can renew codes for the same article for as many times as you like
3) Send te codes to your members
  • a) Send the CODES of the books or scores you want your pupils, performers, friends or colleagues to buy by e-mail.
  • b) When your members purchase the articles by choosing them through our web site, they’ll have to enter your CODE or codes in their purchase form (each article will have its own code). They shall then obtain a 5% discount on their purchase and your member credit will accumulate another 5% of the value of their purchase for each purchased article and for each code you created.

The discounts you get for your pupils’ purchases shall accumulate in the system, on your member account, and you shall be able to apply them to your purchase orders if you like. Whenever you purchase an item of the shopping cart, you will be able to decide whether you want to apply your members’ accumulated sum on the current purchase order or if you prefer to save it for a later occasion. Unapplied discounts shall be saved on your credit.

You may apply the accumulated membership programme discounts to any purchase order until June 30th of the current year. On July 1st all member accounts still containing accumulated discounts shall be emptied. From July 1st until June 30th of the following year, discount accumulation shall be reinitiated. This pattern will go on successively from year to year.
Only for being a teacher, you’ll get a 5% discount on all your purchases. You’ll be able to recover this value entirely with your next purchase, provided it is equal or greater than the discount.
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L.
Warehouse: Sepúlveda, 84 - 08015 Barcelona (Calàbria / Metro L1 Rocafort)
From Monday to Friday 9:30 - 13:30
Tels. +34 93 832 69 46
[email protected]
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