Born in Barcelona. Her teachers were Jaume Cortadellas and Magdalena Martínez. She has also pursued further studies with the flautists A. Biget, B. Kuijken, V. Prats and R. Dick, and taken Orchestral Traiing courses at the Menéndez Pelayo University.
Her career as a performer has developed mainly in the sphere of classical music, and she has been a member of various orchestral and chamber ensembles giving performances all over Catalonia and Spain.
She was selected by the organisation Joventuts Musicals to take part in various cycles of concerts. She has performed in the autumn cycle Cicle de tardor (Auditori Pau Casals), the 13th and 15th editions of the twentieth-century music cycle Cicle de Música del s. XX (Fundació Música Contemporanea), the Barcelona city festivals Festival Grec 98, Ribermúsica, and Festa de la Música, the Granada's 49th Music and Dance festival Festival Internacional de Música i Dansa de Granada, the outdoor festival Viu al Parc, the traditional-music festival X Festival de Música Popular i Tradicional de Barcelona, the festival Solistes a l'Alta Ribagorça and the series Festival Folk en escena (Caja Madrid savings bank) among others..
Here special interest in contemporary music has led her to take part in ensembles such as l'Orquestra de Flautes de Barcelona, Sitges 94 and Haiku. She has given the first performance of works by J. Rodríguez Picó, P. Pardo, J. C. Blanch, B. A. Díaz Rodríguez, D. M. González de la Rubia, F. J. Gil Valencia, J. R. Hernández Bellido, J. Homs and A. Sardà.
In the field of modern music, she plays regularly with the band Papa Joe's Big Marxin'Band, with which she has given concerts all over Spain. Over the last few years she has been closely involved with traditional music: in 1999 she formed the Celtic-music group Ondara, and she is a member of the group Xarbot, which specialises in traditional dances from all over the world.
She has made recordings for the Spanish national broadcasting company (RNE) for programmes for Catalonia and for Spain, Granada TV, Barcelona TV, Canal 50 TV and the Catalan broadcasting company TV3.
She has a particular interest in teaching, and has been busy teaching the flute since 1985, mainly in the schools IPSI, Institut Llongueras and Escola Municipal Música de Navarcles. Stemming from that experience is her work 'Flauta a 3, Mètode de flauta travessera per a pedagogia de grup', published by DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L.
She currently teaches the flute at the Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu and at the Escola de Música del Palau.
She has gained professional qualifications as a flautist and a degree in Classical Languages at the University of Barcelona. More information in her personal web.