He was born in Barcelona in 1948. He is a Catalan conductor of choirs. He studied music in the Escolania de Montserrat and afterwards in Barcelona, where he also obtained a law degree. In 1966, he founded the children's choir El Virolet and in 1972 the Coral Carmina, which he conducted until 1987. From 1986 to 1988 he was conductor of the RTVE Choir and later of the Orfeò Català (1988-1998). He is currently artistic director of the last choir mentioned. He has been conductor of the Cor de Cambra (Chamber Choir) del Palau de la Música Catalana since it was founded in 1990, and since the year 2000 he has held the position of titular conductor of the Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid (Choir of the Community of Madrid).
At the same time, he has also been working, as a professor of different courses in the Catalan Country area, Spain and Europe, has conducted the European festivals Cantat and Zimriya (Israel) and several Spanish and European choirs.