Ricard Gimeno was born in Barcelona in 1962. He completed his music studies in the Conservatori Municipal of Barcelona and received his diploma in music teaching. He also participated in numerous courses and master classes in choral conducting and music pedagogy.
He works primarily as a specialist in primary music education at the Escola Pia de Sarrià, and as professor of harmony and choirs at the Municipal Music School of the town of Molins de Rei. He is also associate professor in the didactics of musical expression through plastics and the human body at the Department of Sciences of Education with the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona.
For more than fifteen years he has conducted the 'La Quitxalla' children's' choir, as well as a number of adult choirs (such as the 'Coral Arpegi', 'Coral Baluern', 'Coral Harmonia). He has performed numerous concerts in and around Barcelona.
He is also author of a diverse collection of didactic materials related with the learning of music at the primary and secondary levels, and within the music school.
Ricard Gimeno is a composer as well, with music dedicated especially to children. He is author of more than thirty original songs and six children's' cantatas. ('El petit príncep', la 'Cantata del Camell', 'El ratolí electrònic', 'La síncope perduda', 'Pessigolles' i 'Bruixes').
You can also visit his personal web and his blog.