Jaume I "El conquistador"
Jaume I el Conqueridor is also still today a living figure in popular memory, especially in the País Valencià, where he is considered to be the founder of all Valencianity, and where fantasy and popular legends credit him for many more deeds than he ever undertook.
This well rooted popular admiration undoubtedly stems from the incredible tales of his fabulous galant and love life, and also, let it be said, because of the undeniable virility he demonstrated throughout all his life.
Not everyone can boast of three legitimate wives, plus eight concubines for some time out, all of them verified and catalogued by historians, and amounting to up to ten sons and four daughters. These sons were all accepted and, later, strategically placed in convenient positions. Jaume el I el Conqueridor might be the most open and uninhibited of the Christian kings of Catalonia.
Picaresque literature has widely dealt with his condition, perverting his epithet Conqueridor (The Conqueror) to Conquistador (The Seducer), in clear reference to his undeniable womanizing skills.
This piece is meant to be a musical comment on all these particularities, however rejecting all ironic pretensions.
Instrumental and vocal formations
Symphonic BandStructure
Miniature Overture .............................................................................1’07”
II - ¿Do you dance, my Lady?
A new candidate is invited to dance under the royal sheets ...4’44”
III - Eight, eight were the concubines
Will I be the last love of the king? ........................................................... 2’17”
IV - This is gold, lass!
Final ‘Mascletà’.................................................................................... 3’47”
Technical Specifications
24 x 34 cm, vertical
Paperback. Plastic-coated cover.
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
Number of parts
Number of Pages of Parts
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals