Serenata de Campanet op. 52

Inside Pages
The Serenata De Campanet is a setting of 3 poems by the Mallorcan poet, Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel. It has been comissioned by the organisation of the Primavera Musical de Campanet.I am very grateful to Bartomeu Barceló who had the courage and enthusiasm to initiate this project (Catalan words with English harmonies!). He brought my attention to the poems of Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel. I am also grateful to Fanny Mari who translated the poems for me. Without their help my task would have been impossible.
As a composer, when one sets a poem which is in any way irregular in shape and rich in imagery, even in one's own language, there are problems. Often, what is a perfectly acceptable shape in poetic terms does not transcribe itself easily into a musical composition. There have to be modifications to provide a structure which is acceptable in musical terms. And the musical shape is paramount, if the composition is to succeed in a live performance. The poem has to be adapted, if necessary. For example a repeat in music is very important, whereas in poetry the same result can be achieved by other means. Catalan, with its own nuances and double meanings, has given me a real challenge'
I read through the poems (with my very limited Catalan!), and chose 3 which would fit into a symphonic format 'fast/slow/fast - exhilarating/pensive/jolly ' 'meravellosament' / 'peresa' / 'volem'). Those 3 words 'marvellously/laziness/we fly' sum up the soul of each poem for me. There are other words in each poem which I have illuminated to give support and contrast with the core mood of the one, chosen word.
Instrumental and vocal formations
Mixed ChoirStructure
1.- Madrigal (3')2.- Oh peresa de l'aire (6')
3.- Vestits de llum i somni (3')
Technical Specifications
21 x 29,7 cm, vertical
Number of Pages
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals
Also collaborating:
Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel