10. Sis melodies

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Music Schools and Conservatoires Intermediate Level
Scores Intermediate
Songs by Narcís Bonet Nr. 10
Publication with downloadable files
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Contents of the downloadable related material:
Based on poems by various poets this collection of six pieces from different periods and languages is not strictly a cycle as the songs are not connected.
1. Quietud (Stillness) from 1949 is based on a poem by the poet Maria Antonia Salvà (1869-1958), from Mallorca where the Bonets own a house built by Narcís’s father, an architect. The piece begins in the same way as Son, soneta (Sleep, Sweet Sleep), the first of the Quatre cançons de bressol populars catalanes (Four Traditional Catalan Lullabies). Narcís Bonet wrote the piece in Paris in 1950 where it was first sung by Francine Janin accompanied by Narcís on the piano. He had moved to France only a few months beforehand to continue his studies with Nadia Boulanger.
2. La Lluna, la bruna (The Moon, So Dark) was composed in 1950 for a poem by Manuel Trens (1892-1976), and performed for the first time by Katia Oudiette, to whom Narcís dedicated the piece. The music creates an enigmatic, surprising and delicious atmosphere just like the poem itself.
3. Silenci poblat (A Lived-in Silence) from1950, is based on a poem by Clementina Arderiu (1889-1959), wife of the writer and poet Carles Riba (see the next song). It is dedicated to one of Narcís Bonet’s teachers, the violinist Joan Massià. It was performed in public for the first time in the Salle du Jeu de Paume* (Real Tennis hall) at the Château de Fontainebleau palace during the music course organized there by Nadia Boulanger. Sung by Flora Wen with the accompaniment of Narcís Bonet.
4. Narcís Bonet composed Eugènia (Eugenie) in 1951 for a poem by the writer Carles Riba (1893-1959), who, as a teacher, played a significant role in Narcís’s education. Later Narcís Bonet donated the letters they had exchanged for many years to the Library of Catalonia. The song is dedicated to Mariona Agustí, daughter of the singer Conxita Badia and future wife of the architect Jordi Bonet, Narcís Bonet’s elder brother and godfather.
5. Cala, miña seda (Hush, My Gentle One), was composed in 1958 for a poem in Galician by Manuel Luis Acuña (1849-1873). It was performed for the first time in Ourense by the singer Isabel Garcisanz.
6. La madre joven (The Young Mother) was written in Madrid in 1989 for a poem by Vicente Aleixandre (1898-1984). The very same year, it was performed in public with the soprano Atsuko Kudo and the pianist Anton Cardó. The first piece that Narcís Bonet dedicated to his future wife, Hélène Giraudier.
Hélène Bonet-Giraudier
Technical Specifications
21 x 29,7 cm, vertical
Stapled. Folded parts.
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
Also collaborating:
Cover Designer
Hélène Giraudier
Manuel Trens, Manuel Luis Acuña, Maria Antònia Salvà, Vicente Aleixandre