Método de Trompeta de Daniel & Vincent

Inside Pages
Daniel Verdesca
Vincent Liaudet
Music Schools and Conservatoires Elementary Level
Método de trompeta Daniel & Vincent
Book with DVD
The large majority of instruction books contain principals which you will find in this book. At the same time, our method is put together in a simple and practical manner, to daily remind the student with a synthesis of information that one would have to look for in a multitude of methods.
It is important to respect the order of the materials presented, and in regards to the fragments of music, they are put there specifically to deal with rhythmic, melodies or fingering difficulties.
To be able to play an instrument well, there are many ways, and excellent trumpet players can have various points of view. But the student is reminded that a good, individualized technique is acquired over years of individualized, constructive practice.
2/ Creating sound: the three main factors
3/ Buzzing: how do the lips vibrate' Keeping them under control and flexible 4/ The position of the mouthpiece: how to hold and position the mouthpiece
5/ Recreations: low-mid range. Note values: whole note, dotted half-note, half-note and quarter-note
6/ Valve chart: history, pressing, and how the valves work
7/ Recreational ex.: the up-beat (anacrusis), simple times 4/4, 3/4 & 2/4
8/ Breathing and relaxation: air in sound production; well-being
9/Work: dotted quarter-notes, double eighth-notes, syncopation and chromatic notes
10/ Exercises: key signatures with 2 or 3 sharps, two-two time, ternary rhythms, 6/8
11/ Posture: how to hold the instrument when standing up and seated
12/ Developing the beats
13/ Note attacks using the tongue
14/ Examples of daily practice: warming up, daily practice, and other matters
15/ Recreations: blues, bossa and reggae rhythm
16/ A description of the parts of the trumpet
17/ Cleaning and maintaining the instrument: greasing, oiling, daily cleaning.
18/ Developing the melody and the beat, with accidentals
19/ Binary and ternary rhythms in four beats to a bar, in 12/8, reggae and blues styles
20/ Choosing the mouthpiece
21/ Lip problems
22/ Technical studies
23/ Mutes
24/ Acknowledgements
Technical Specifications
21 x 29,7 cm, vertical
Number of Pages
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals
Translations of this Publication
Book with DVD