El timbaler del Bruc (Cobla Materials)
Inside Pages
The Drummer of Bruc is a legend based on events that took place in 1808 during the French War. We are told faced with the attack of the feared French army, a boy from Santpedor named Isidre Lluçà beat his drum and, with the reverberation of the sound against the mountains of Montserrat, tricked the French into thinking that there were many more Catalan soldiers than there really were, causing Napoleon's troops to flee.
This cantata, far from being a war-like work, commemorating the winning of a war, expresses a desire for peace and hope, as well as the need for the Catalan people to stand up for themselves.
The author wanted 'to insist on the anxiety caused by the war, on the beauty of peace, but also on the need to defend one's own land and liberties.' She also describes how the music transmits this same message: 'This clashing of moods is beautifully expressed in Manuel Oltra's magnificent music, which ranges from being very lyrical to a martial tone, from the boom of victory to the solemnity of the end, expressing the desire that there be no more wars and that people learn to be good brothers and sisters.'
Trumpet in B Flat III, Double Bass, Trumpet in B Flat II, Trumpet in B Flat I, Percussion, Voice (Children's Choir), Timpani, Soprano Shawm II (Tible II), Soprano Shawm I (Tible I), Trombone, Tenor Shawm II (Tenora II), Tenor Shawm I (Tenora I), Baritone Horn II, Baritone Horn I, Rustic Pipe & Small Drum (Flabiol i tamborí)Structure
Cant II
Cant III
Cant IV
Cant V
Cant VI (cànon)
Cant VII (final)
Technical Specifications
26 x 33 cm, vertical
Spiral-bound full score
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
Number of parts
Number of Pages of Parts
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals