Cançoner 10

Inside Pages
I composed all the songs in this second song-book in Barcelona during the summer of 2004, and some of them have already been performed in the Christmas and St. George's Day concerts at the IPSI School by the Mozart and Corelli choirs.I tried to spotlight the line and melodic depth. These aspects also depend on the conductors, when they work on them.
Needed along with all this is a great deal of work on the voice so that the songs are sung well in tune and the melody lines have the right degree of depth.
Some of these songs can be sung even by seven and eight-year-old children, while others are harder in vocal terms and should be left until the boys and girls have slightly greater mastery of their voices.
A mixed choir is needed for the Christmas Eve performance for singing the choir's part from bar 25 down to the end. The soloist's part at the beginning can be taken by an adult voice, though it would be better to find a high voice finding the range comfortable.
It is also very important to have a good pianist for playing the accompaniment musically and listening to the melodies sung by the boys and girls in the choirs.
Lastly, I would like to thank Joana Raspall once more for letting me use her so very sensitive poems in composing these songs for children, and also the publishers DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L. for continuing to trust in me. To all, my fullest thanks.
Jordi-Lluís Rigol
Barcelona, March 2005
Instrumental and vocal formations
High-voice ChoirStructure
1.Ball de fantasia 2'00''2.Campanades 1'30''
3.Cuina de nines 2'00''
4.D'amagat 1'30''
5.Gripaus i granotes 1'30''
6.El vaixell desconegut 2'30''
7.Nuvolet rosat 1'30''
8.Tempesta d'estiu 2'00''
9.Nit de Nadal 2'30''
Technical Specifications
21 x 29,7 cm, vertical
Staple. Plastic-coated cover.
Number of Pages
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals
Also collaborating:
Cover Designer
Rosa Cos
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Cuina de nines
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Ball de fantasia
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1.82 €
Gripaus i granotes
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El vaixell desconegut
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Nuvolet rosat
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Tempesta d’estiu
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Nit de Nadal
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Cançoner 10
10.86 €