Coral and other Vocal Music
Promoted by our publishing house and the Secretariat of Children's Choirs of Catalonia, this collection seeks to make known the children's cantatas written by Catalan authors, that is, writers and musicians, to achieve a broader dissemination of the service that the Catalan children's choirs have performed and will continue to perform.
Blancaneus, per a cor a dues veus blanques i grup instrumental
Author: Collection:Cantates infantils Nr. 19
19.90 € VAT included
19.50 € VAT included
25.00 € VAT included
15.00 € VAT included
Un concert desconcertant (partitura de veus soles)
Author: Collection:Cantates infantils Nr. 16
12.48 € VAT included
10.00 € VAT included
15.00 € VAT included